Our Story

What is Genuine Synchronicity?




  1. the simultaneous occurrence of events which appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection.

Carl Jung coined this radical term in 1950, when he scientifically proved the existence of this incredible phenomena with one of the most preemminent physicists of all time, Wolfgang Pauli. Together, they transformed the discourse surrounding psychology, the paranormal, and quantum physics (especially with regard to quantum entanglement). 

For me, Synchronicity is a term that describes the randomly meaningful, mysterious, and inexplicable ways that our intuition, choices, and relationships are validated. The signs of confirmation we receive regarding the path we have chosen, when we are aligned with our highest good. A force that conspires to bring us everything we need most, in the most profoundly complex, incoincident, and improbable of ways. Random events or experiences that at first glance might appear to be coincedental, but upon closer scrutiny are actually quite complex and meaningful in how they relate to one another.    

"Genuine Synchronicity" represents an authentically meaningful experience that is far too intricate to be a coincidence. Depending on the structure of your belief system, for some it can be ascribed to the universe conspiring to bring us exactly what we need when we need it most. Or rather, for others it is simply an extension of Divine Intervention. Although these are just different ways of describing the same concept (in my humble opinion). Merely different expressions of the same energy, the same truth. 

So, in truth, "genuine synchronicity" is the very force that brought you here... to this website, to this page, to this moment. Despite the vastness of the internet and our universe itself, we have been connected, somehow. It is the mysterious magic that binds us to everything and everyone, in ways knowable and unknowable, seen and unforeseen, tangible and intangible.

When I reluctantly made the descision to begin developing an online presence to grow and expand my business it was with the intention of helping as many people as I possibly could by making a conscious effort to expand my reach. Although visibilty has never been my favorite thing, as I much prefer shining a spotlight on other people, I know this is the only way to make sure I am doing everything in my power to honor these gifts I was given and to be of service. In fact, I set the specific intention to only cross paths with individuals I could actually help. For people who are seeking a sign of confirmation or the messages they need to heal, to find me somehow. I set the intention for anyone who needed a little love or support to find this page. 

And here you are…you found me, and I found you. Or rather, it could be said that synchronicity has found us both.

In my opinion, this beautiful force or energy is simply the love that holds our entire universe together in powerful ways we could never begin to understand. Ways that remind us that our existence here is a great mystery that we could never begin to unravel. An invitation to surrender to that mystery and even embrace it instead of trying to control it. An energy that binds us to our destiny, our deepest desires, and our most meaningful relationships. A Physicist might call it quantum entanglement, a Spiritualist might refer to it as divine love, an Alchemist might see it as magic. And yet, it is so much more profound than any label our little words could ever begin to ascribe to it. 

Although I had countless supernatural experiences I recall from my earliest memories, one of my first experiences with Synchronicity was at the age of twelve. I always naturally gravitated towards the tarot, so for two years prior to this event, I bought several tarot decks with the intention of exploring and honing my natural abilities. Each time my decks were discovered by my religiously conservative parents, they were promptly thrown away. Until one fine day when a relative (I had absolutely no relationship with whatsoever),  randomly bought me a tarot deck for Christmas. Of all the gifts they could have wrapped up for me from several states away, this was the gift they chose for me. And since it was a gift from an adult, I was actually allowed to keep it this time. That gift was such a beautiful and enduring lesson in Synchronicity, because it taught me that what is truly meant for you will always find you in the end. 

Another personal example was meeting both of my metaphysical mentors in the same year (2006), when I needed them most. Their encouragement, teachings, and support directly informs everything I know and my identity as a professional Psychic and Metaphysical-wellness consultant. Although my reach has expanded to thousands of clients from all over the world now, it has never been lost on me for a single second, that I am merely standing on the shoulders of giants.

Yet, another example was my lifelong fascination with the famous and prolific psychic Nostradamus, only to discover a few years ago that we were actually born on the same exact day (484 years apart)!

I have been a professional Psychic and Reiki Master for nearly 20 years now, and every single day, I am humbled by yet another resplendent reminder of the synchronicity that is embedded into the fabric of our very existence. Most especially, if/when we choose to acknowledge it…if/when we are open to seeing it. This is precisely why I start all of my readings cold (without background information or details); to be an agent of Synchronicity by providing the long awaited clarity, confirmation, and/or closure we all so deeply deserve. Coupled with my profound respect for all of the intersections between physics and metaphysics; as well as the exploration of the enmeshment of the metaphysical within our physical reality.

Every day, I strive earnestly to be worthy of this incredibly sacred work to which I have been called, long ago. I am deeply honored and humbled to provide safe spaces for healing, clarity, and confirmation.

“Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”

— Carl Jung

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